Base Package: mingw-w64-python-flit-scm
- Description:
- A PEP 518 build backend that uses setuptools_scm to generate a version file from your version control system, then flit to build the package. (mingw-w64)
- Base Group(s):
- -
- Homepage:
- License(s):
- Version:
- 1.7.0-3
- External:
- Anitya
- python-flit-scm
- Arch Linux
- 1.7.0
- PyPI
- 1.7.0
- Repology
- python-flit-scm
- Vulnerabilities:
- -
- Binary Packages:
- ucrt64
- clang64
- clangarm64
- mingw64
- mingw32
- clang32