
159 packages with known potential vulnerabilities

1663 out of 3377 packages contain enough metadata for vulnerability reporting. For more information see the vulnerability reporting documentation.

Base Package Version Upstream Version
mingw-w64-freeimage 3.18.0-14
mingw-w64-ffmpeg4.4 4.4.5-3
mingw-w64-qt5-3d 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-activeqt 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-base 5.15.16+kde+r130-2
mingw-w64-qt5-charts 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-connectivity 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-datavis3d 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-declarative 5.15.16+kde+r22-1
mingw-w64-qt5-doc 5.15.12-1 5.15.16
mingw-w64-qt5-gamepad 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-imageformats 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-location 5.15.16+kde+r7-1
mingw-w64-qt5-lottie 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-multimedia 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-networkauth 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-purchasing 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-quick3d 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.16+kde+r5-1
mingw-w64-qt5-quicktimeline 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-script 5.15.16-1 5.15.18
mingw-w64-qt5-scxml 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-sensors 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-serialbus 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-serialport 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-speech 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-static 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-svg 5.15.16+kde+r5-1
mingw-w64-qt5-tools 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-translations 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-webchannel 5.15.16+kde+r3-1
mingw-w64-qt5-webglplugin 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-websockets 5.15.16+kde+r2-1
mingw-w64-qt5-webview 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-winextras 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt5-xmlpatterns 5.15.16-1
mingw-w64-qt6-doc 6.6.0-1 6.8.1
mingw-w64-libressl 3.1.1-4 4.0.0
mingw-w64-python2 2.7.18-8
busybox 1.31.1-2 1.36.1
mingw-w64-squirrel 3.2-2
mingw-w64-libtomcrypt 1.18.2-4
mingw-w64-SDL 1.2.15+r419+gef3a6c05-1 1.2.68
mingw-w64-libmad 0.15.1b-5
zip 3.0-4
mingw-w64-mujs 1.3.5-1
etc-update 2.3.99-1 3.0.39
mingw-w64-spice 0.15.2-1
mingw-w64-podofo 0.10.4-1
mingw-w64-python2-setuptools 44.1.1-2 75.8.0
ansible-core 2.16.2-3 2.18.1
mingw-w64-python-rencode 1.0.6-7
mingw-w64-python-sqlitedict 2.1.0-4
mingw-w64-python2-pip 20.3.4-1 24.3.1
mingw-w64-nodejs 23.5.0-2
mingw-w64-xpdf 4.05-1
mingw-w64-assimp 5.4.3-3
subversion 1.14.2-7 1.14.5
mingw-w64-ollama 0.1.45-1 0.5.7
mingw-w64-rapidjson 1.1.0-8
mingw-w64-dcmtk 3.6.8-3 3.6.9
mingw-w64-python 3.12.8-2 3.13.1
python 3.12.8-2 3.13.1
mingw-w64-libtiff 4.7.0-1
openssh 9.9p1-1
mingw-w64-libmariadbclient 3.4.3-1 11.6.2.r0.gd8dad8c
mingw-w64-crypto++ 8.9.0-1
mingw-w64-mathjax2 2.7.9-1
mingw-w64-tinyxml 2.6.2-5
mingw-w64-qemu 9.2.0-2
mingw-w64-opusfile 0.12-3
ctags 6.1.0-3
heimdal 7.8.0-5
mingw-w64-sassc 3.6.2-1
mingw-w64-confuse 3.3-3
mingw-w64-libsndfile 1.2.2-1
mingw-w64-podman 5.3.1-1 5.3.2
mingw-w64-SDL_ttf 2.0.11-6
mingw-w64-openscad 2021.01-17
mingw-w64-libgd 2.3.2-8 2.3.3
mingw-w64-polipo 1.1.1-2
mingw-w64-djvulibre 3.5.28-3
mingw-w64-libiff 0.1.r60.g0290be4-2
mingw-w64-libgig 4.4.1-1
mingw-w64-libcaca 0.99.beta20-6
mingw-w64-db 6.0.19-8 6.2.32
db 6.2.32-5
patch 2.7.6-2
mingw-w64-stb r2193.31707d1-1
mingw-w64-libvirt 11.0.0-1
p7zip 17.05-2 24.09
mingw-w64-python-pip 24.3.1-1
python-pip 24.3.1-1
mingw-w64-dcraw 9.28-2 9.28.0
sharutils 4.15.2-2
unzip 6.0-3
mingw-w64-libplist 2.6.0-3
mingw-w64-graphite2 1.3.14-3
mingw-w64-nss 3.107-1
lynx 2.9.2-1
mingw-w64-lcms 1.19-7
mingw-w64-gtk2 2.24.33-6
mingw-w64-xerces-c 3.2.5-3
mingw-w64-emacs 29.4-3
emacs 29.4-1
mingw-w64-id3lib 3.8.3-4
mingw-w64-graphicsmagick 1.3.45-1
mingw-w64-gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-4
vim 9.1.1006-1 9.1.1043
mutt 2.2.13-1
cpio 2.15-1
mingw-w64-yasm 1.3.0-6
yasm 1.3.0-3
mingw-w64-apr 1.7.4-1 1.7.5
mingw-w64-jbig2dec 0.20-1
mingw-w64-arm-none-eabi-gcc 13.3.0-1 14.2.0
mingw-w64-avr-gcc 14.2.0-1
mingw-w64-gcc 14.2.0-2 14.2.1
mingw-w64-riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc 14.2.0-1
gcc 13.3.0-1 14.2.1
mingw-w64-cross-gcc 14.2.0-3 14.2.1
mingw-w64-cross-mingwarm64-gcc 15.0.0dev-3
mingw-w64-ghostscript 10.04.0-1
mingw-w64-pixman 0.44.2-1
mingw-w64-yajl 2.1.0-2
mingw-w64-upx 4.2.4-1
upx 4.2.4-1
util-linux 2.35.2-4 2.40.4
mingw-w64-lua51 5.1.5-6
mingw-w64-libgda 6.0.0-1
mingw-w64-nim 1.6.12-1 2.0.8
mingw-w64-lua53 5.3.6-6
flex 2.6.4-3
mingw-w64-dia 0.97.0.r2610.g9fcced5ed-9 0.97.3
mingw-w64-mcpp 2.7.2-3
mingw-w64-liblas 1.8.1-6 1.8.1.r128
mingw-w64-python-aiohttp 3.11.11-1
mingw-w64-postgresql 17.2-2
mingw-w64-guile1.8 1.8.8-1
coreutils 8.32-5 9.6
mingw-w64-antiword 0.37-3
mingw-w64-evince 46.3.1-1
mingw-w64-pidgin 2.14.13-1
mingw-w64-blender 4.0.2-12 4.3.2
mingw-w64-gitoxide 0.41.0-1
mingw-w64-python-lief 0.13.2-4 0.16.2
mingw-w64-gnupg 2.4.7-1
gnupg 2.4.7-1
git 2.48.1-1
mingw-w64-openssl 3.4.0-1
openssl 3.4.0-1
1714 packages are missing metadata for vulnerability reporting:
4th , 64tass , 86box , FAudio , MinHook , OpenSceneGraph , SDL2_gfx , SDL2_mixer , SDL2_net , SDL2_pango , SDL2_sound , SDL_gfx , SDL_mixer , SDL_net , a52dec , aalib , abinit , abseil-cpp , ada-url , ada_spawn , adasat , adios2 , adobe-source-code-pro-fonts , adol-c , adwaita-icon-theme , adwaita-icon-theme-legacy , ag , akira , alembic , allegro , alure , alure2 , amf-headers , amgcl , amqp-cpp , anari-sdk , android-tools , angleproject , ansifilter , antlr3 , antlr4-runtime-cpp , aom , appstream , appstream-glib , aravis , argon2 , argtable , aribb24 , ark , arm-none-eabi-newlib , armadillo , arpack , asio , asmjit , aspell-de , aspell-en , aspell-es , aspell-fr , aspell-ru , astyle , at-spi2-core , atkmm , atkmm-2.36 , attica , attica-qt5 , audaspace , autotools , avogadroapp , avogadrolibs , avr-libc , avrdude , aws-c-auth , aws-c-cal , aws-c-common , aws-c-compression , aws-c-event-stream , aws-c-http , aws-c-io , aws-c-mqtt , aws-c-s3 , aws-c-sdkutils , aws-checksums , aws-crt-cpp , aws-sdk-cpp , aztecgen , blake3 , babl , badvpn , baobab , bcftools , bcg729 , bcunit , benchmark , bin2header , blosc , blosc2 , blueprint-compiler , bootloadhid , box2d , breakpad , breeze , breeze-icons , breeze-qt5 , bscan-spi-bitstreams , bsdfprocessor , btyacc , bullet , butler , bwidget , bzip3 , c3c , ca-certificates , cabextract , cairomm , cairomm-1.16 , calceph , calculix-ccx , cantarell-fonts , capstone , cargo-component , cas-offinder , castxml , catch , ccache , cccl , cddlib , cego , ceres-solver , cglm , cgns , charls , check , chipmunk , chmlib , chromaprint , cjose , llvm-16 , clblast , cli11 , clucene , clustal-omega , cmakerc , cmark , cmdpack , cmocka , cninja , codeblocks , codeblocks-fortranproject , codec2 , cogl , coin , coin-or-asl , coin-or-buildtools , coin-or-cbc , coin-or-cgl , coin-or-clp , coin-or-coinutils , coin-or-data-sample , coin-or-mp , coin-or-osi , collada-dom , connect , coordgen , corrade , corrosion , cp2k , cppcheck , cppcoro , cppdap , cppreference-qt , cpptest , cppunit , cpputest , cppwinrt , cppzmq , cpr , creduce , crt , csfml , ctags , ctpl , cubelib , cubew , cunit , cusp , cvise , cxxopts , d-feet , daala , darktable , dbcsr , dbus-c++ , dcadec , desktop-file-utils , devcon , devil , dfu-programmer , dfu-util , dht , directx-headers , directxmath , directxmesh , directxtex , directxtk , discount , djview , dlfcn , dmake , dnscrypt-proxy , dnslookup , dnssec-anchors , docbook-dsssl , docbook-mathml , docbook-sgml , docbook-sgml31 , docbook-xml , docbook-xsl , docbook5-xml , doctest , dosbox , double-conversion , draco , dragon , dragonbox , drmingw , dsdp , ducible , duckdb , dumb , dwarfstack , ebook-tools , eccodes , ecpprog , editorconfig-core-c , editorconfig-qtcreator , editrights , edyn , efl , efxc2 , egl-headers , eigen3 , elementary-icon-theme , elisa , elmerfem , emacs-pdf-tools-server , embree , embree3 , emscripten , enca , enchant , enet , engauge-digitizer , ensmallen , entt , eog-plugins , epstool , expresscpp , extra-cmake-modules , extremetuxracer , f2c , faac , fann , farstream , fast_float , fastfetch , fastgltf , fastjar , fcrackzip , fdk-aac , ffcall , ffms2 , ffnvcodec-headers , ffts , fftw , fgsl , flameshot , flann , flashrom , flecs , flexdll , flickcurl , flint , fltk , fortran-stdlib , fox , fpm , freealut , freecad , freeglut , frei0r-plugins , fritzing , frontistr , frozen , ftgl , fxc2 , fzf , gammaray , gau2grid , gavl , gdbm , gdcm , gdl , gdu , geany , geany-plugins , gedit-plugins , geocode-glib , geographiclib , geoip , geoipupdate , geos , gexiv2 , gflags , ghdl , ghex , ginkgo , git-repo , gitg , github-cli , gl2ps , glab , glade , glade-gtk2 , glbinding , gles-headers , glew , glfw , glibmm , glibmm-2.68 , glm , global , globjects , glog , glpk , glsl-optimizer , glslang , glslviewer , gmic , gmsh , gn , gnatcoll-core , gnatcoll-gmp , gnatcoll-iconv , gnatdoc , gnome-calculator , gnome-common , gnome-latex , gnome-text-editor , gnuradio , gnustep-back , gnustep-base , gnustep-gui , gnustep-make , gobject-introspection , godot-cpp , godot_headers , goocanvas , goxel , gperf , gphoto2 , gplugin , gpr , gprbuild , gprbuild-bootstrap , gptfdisk , gr , granite , granite7 , grantlee , graphene , gromacs , groonga , gsasl , gsettings-desktop-schemas , gsfonts , gsl , gsm , gspell , gss , gst-devtools , gst-editing-services , gst-libav , gst-plugins-good , gst-plugins-base , gst-plugins-rs , gst-python , gtest , gtk-doc , gtk-elementary-theme , gtk-engine-murrine , gtk-engines , gtkada , gtkglarea , gtkglext , gtkmm , gtkmm-4.0 , gtkmm3 , gtksourceview3 , gtksourceview4 , gtksourceview5 , gtksourceviewmm3 , gtkspell , gtkspell3 , gtkwave , gts , gumbo-parser , gw , gxml , handbrake , hclient , hdf4 , headers , heimdall , helics , helix , hicolor-icon-theme , hid-bootloader-cli , hidapi , highfive , highlight , highs , highway , hlsl2glsl , http-parser , hub , hunspell-en , hyphen , hypre , icesprog , icestorm , libiconv , icoutils , ideviceinstaller , idevicerestore , igraph , iir , imath , immer , include-what-you-use , inja , innoextract , intel-xed , irrlicht , isa-l , isl , iso-codes , itk , itstool , iverilog , ixion , jbigkit , jemalloc , jo , jolt-physics , jom , jp2-pixbuf-loader , json-glib , jsonrpc-glib , judy , jxrlib , kactivities-qt5 , karchive , karchive-qt5 , kbookmarks , kbookmarks-qt5 , kcmutils , kcmutils-qt5 , kcodecs , kcodecs-qt5 , kcolorscheme , kcompletion , kcompletion-qt5 , kconfigwidgets , kconfigwidgets-qt5 , kcontacts , kcoreaddons , kcoreaddons-qt5 , kcrash , kcrash-qt5 , kdbusaddons , kdbusaddons-qt5 , kdeclarative , kdeclarative-qt5 , kdegraphics-mobipocket , kdenlive , kdiagram , kdiff3 , kdnssd , kdnssd-qt5 , kdoctools , kdoctools-qt5 , kdstatemachineeditor , keepassxc , kfilemetadata , kfilemetadata-qt5 , kglobalaccel , kglobalaccel-qt5 , kguiaddons , kguiaddons-qt5 , kholidays , kholidays-qt5 , ki18n , ki18n-qt5 , kicad-doc , kicad-library , kiconthemes , kiconthemes-qt5 , kidletime , kidletime-qt5 , kinit-qt5 , kio , kio-qt5 , kirigami , kirigami-addons , kirigami-addons-qt5 , kirigami2-qt5 , kiss_fft , kitemmodels , kitemmodels-qt5 , kitemviews , kitemviews-qt5 , kjobwidgets , kjobwidgets-qt5 , knewstuff , knewstuff-qt5 , knotifications , knotifications-qt5 , knotifyconfig , knotifyconfig-qt5 , konsole , kpackage , kpackage-qt5 , kparts , kparts-qt5 , kpeople , kplotting , kplotting-qt5 , kqtquickcharts , krita , krpc-cpp , kseexpr , kservice , kservice-qt5 , ktextwidgets , ktextwidgets-qt5 , ktouch , kunitconversion , kunitconversion-qt5 , kvazaar , kwallet , kwallet-qt5 , kwidgetsaddons , kwidgetsaddons-qt5 , kwindowsystem , kwindowsystem-qt5 , kxmlgui , kxmlgui-qt5 , l-smash , ladspa-sdk , lager , lal-refactor , lammps , langkit , langkit_support , lasem , laszip , lcov , lensfun , lerc , level-zero , leveldb , lexbor , lfcbase , lfcxml , lfortran , lib2geom , libaacs , libabw , libad9361-iio , libadalang , libadalang-tools , libadwaita , libaec , libaribcaption , libart_lgpl , libassuan , libavif , libavro , libb2 , libb64 , libbacktrace , libbdplus , libdispatch , libbs2b , libbsdf , libcbor , libcddb , libcdr , libcello , libcerf , libclc , libcloudproviders , libcmis , libconfig , libconfini , libcue , libdatrie , libdazzle , libdca , libdeflate , libdex , libdicom , libdiscid , libdsm , libdvbpsi , libdvdcss , libdvdnav , libdvdread , libe-book , libebur128 , libelf , libepoxy , libepubgen , liberime , libetonyek , libexodus , libexttextcat , libfdf , libfilezilla , libfixmath , libfreehand , libftdi , libgedit-amtk , libgedit-gfls , libgedit-gtksourceview , libgedit-tepl , libgeotiff , libgit2-glib , libglade , libgme , libgnomecanvas , libgnurx , libgoom2 , libgovirt , libgphoto2 , libgpr , libgridxc , libguess , libgusb , libgweather , libhandy , libharu , libicsneo , libidl2 , libieee1284 , libiio , libilbc , libilbm , libimobiledevice-glue , libinih , libint2 , libipt , libiptcdata , libirecovery , libjaylink , libkexiv2 , libkml , libkqueue , liblangtag , liblastfm , liblc3 , liblcf , liblktlang , liblo , liblqr , libluv , libmangle , libmbd , libmd , libmediainfo , libmfx , libmimic , libminpack , libmng , libmowgli , libmpack , libmpcdec , libmpeg2 , libmspack , libmspub , libmsym , libmwaw , libmypaint , libnatpmp , libnfs , libnice , libnotify , libnova , libnumbertext , liboauth , libobjc2 , objfw , libodfgen , libogg , libopenmpt-modplug , libopusenc , liboqs , liborigin , libosmpbf , libosmscout , libp11 , libpagemaker , libpanel , libpaper , libplacebo , libplacebo-demos , libpqxx , apps-systempreferences , libpsl , libpsml , libpst , libqalculate , libqxp , libraqm , librasterlite2 , librdkafka , libreplaygain , libresprite , librest , librevenge , librime , rime-prelude , librist , librttopo , libsbml , libsbsms , libsecret , libserdes , libserialport , libshumate , libsidplayfp , libsigc++ , libsigc++-3.0 , libsignal-protocol-c , libsigsegv , libsodium , libsoxr , libspatialite , libspectre , libspelling , libspng , libsquish , libstaroffice , snowball , libsystre , libtermkey , libtheora , libtimidity , libtre , libuhd , libultrahdr , libunibreak , libunifex , libuninameslist , libusb-compat , libusb-win32 , libutf8proc , libutp , libva , libva-utils , libvirt-glib , libvisio , libvmime , libvoikko , libvpl , libvss , libwebsockets , winpthreads , libwpg , libwps , x264 , libxc , libxisf , libxlsxwriter , libxml++ , libxml++2.6 , libxmlb , libxmp , libyuv , libzen , libzmf , lilv , lis , lite-xl , litehtml , live-chart , live-chart-gtk3 , llama.cpp , lldb-mi , lmdb , lmdbxx , log4cpp , log4cxx , lokalize , lpsolve , lsp-dsp-lib , lua-cjson , lua-lgi , lua-lpeg , luafilesystem , lua-luarocks , lua-mpack , lua-bitop , lua-lsqlite3 , lua-winapi , lv2 , m68k-apple-macos-binutils , maeparser , magnum , magnum-integration , magnum-plugins , marisa , markdown , mathgl , maxflow , mcfgthread , mctc-lib , mdds , mdloader , meanwhile , mecab , mecab-naist-jdic , med , meld3 , mesonlsp , metis , mfem , mhook , micro , microsoft-gsl , mimalloc , minisign , mkvtoolnix , mlir , mlpack , mlt , mmtf-cpp , moab , moar , mold , molequeue , mono-basic , mpc , mpdecimal , mpfi , mscgen , msgpack-c , msgpack-cxx , msitools , msmpi , mstore , mtex2MML , mtn , mumps , munt , munt-mt32emu , muon , muparser , mypaint , mypaint-brushes , mypaint-brushes2 , mythes , nana , nanoarrow , nanodbc , nanovg , nauty , neovim , neovim-qt , netcdf , netcdf-cxx , netcdf-fortran , newton-dynamics , nextpnr , nfft , nghttp3 , ngraph-gtk , ngspice , ngtcp2 , nimble , ninja , nlohmann-json , nlopt , nodeeditor , nodejs-neovim , notepad++ , npth , nsis , nsis-nsisunz , nsync , ntldd , nuspell , nvidia-cg-toolkit , oatpp , oce , octave , ode , odt2txt , ogitor , ogre3d , oh-my-posh , ois , onednn , onigmo , openFPGALoader , openal , openbabel , python-opencamlib , opencascade , opencc , opencl-clhpp , opencl-headers , opencl-icd , opencollada , opencolorio , opencore-amr , opencsg , openfa , opengl-man-pages , openimagedenoise , openjph , openlibm , openocd , openpgl , openshadinglanguage , openslide , opensubdiv , openturns , openvdb , openvr , openxr-sdk , opus-tools , oqsprovider , orc , orcus , osgQt , osgQtQuick , osgbullet , osgearth , osgocean , osgworks , osl , osm-gps-map , ossia-score , osslsigncode , nerd-fonts , paho.mqtt.c , pangomm , pangomm-2.48 , paraview , parmetis , parsec , partio , pastix , pdal , pdcurses , pdf2djvu , pdf2svg , pegtl , perl-digest-sha , perl-encode-compat , perl-file-which , perl-html-tagset , perl-io-string , perl-math-int64 , perl-mozilla-ca , perl-win32-api , perl-win32-console , perl-win32-shortcut , perl-win32-tieregistry , perl-win32-winerror , perl-win32api-registry , petsc , pgmodeler , phodav , phonon , physfs , picotool , pikchr , pinentry , pkcs11-helper , pkg-config , plasma-activities , plfit , plplot , png2ico , pngnq , polly , poppler-data , popt , port-scanner , portablexdr , portaudio , portmidi , portsmf , powerpc-apple-macos-binutils , pqp , pragtical , precice , premake , premake4 , prettier-ada , prjtrellis , proj , projectchrono , purple-skypeweb , purpose , purpose-qt5 , putty-ssh , pyinstaller-hooks-contrib , pystring , python-binwalk , python-geographiclib , python-glad , python-optking , python-pivy , python-pyfastbti , python-pyfasttextureutils , python-pypng , qscintilla , s2geometry , python-setuptools-git-versioning , qalculate-gtk , qalculate-qt , qbs , qca , qdia , qgis , qhttpengine , qhull , qjackctl , qmdnsengine , qoi , qownnotes , qqc2-desktop-style , qrencode , qrupdate , qt-creator , qt-installer-framework , qtkeychain , quantlib , quantum-espresso , quarter , qucs-s , qwt , qxmpp , qxorm , ragel , range-v3 , rapidfuzz-cpp , rasqal , re2 , readosm , recode , redis-plus-plus , redland , restbed , rime-bopomofo , rime-cangjie , rime-double-pinyin , rime-emoji , rime-essay , rime-luna-pinyin , rime-pinyin-simp , rime-stroke , rime-terra-pinyin , rime-wubi , rio , riscv64-unknown-elf-newlib , rkdeveloptool , rnnoise , robin-hood-hashing , robin-map , rocksdb , roswell , rpi-imager , rssguard , rtaudio , rtl-sdr , rtmidi , rubberband , ruc , ruc-vm , rufus , rust-analyzer , rustscan , s-dftd3 , sad , samtools , sbc , scalapack , scc , scdoc , schroedinger , scite , scopehal-apps , scotch , scrcpy , scummvm , sdcv , sdl12-compat , seacas , seexpr , serd , serial-studio , sfcgal , sfml , sgml-common , shaderc , shared-mime-info , shfmt , shine , shishi , shotcut , sidplayfp , siesta , sigutils , silc-toolkit , simdjson , simple-mail , simvoleon , skia , skyr-url , sl , slepc , slim-simulator , smpeg , smpeg2 , snoregrowl , snorenotify , soapyrtlsdr , soapysdr , soci , soil , sol2 , solid , solid-qt5 , solid3 , sonixflasher , sonnet , sonnet-qt5 , soqt , sord , source-highlight , spandsp , sparsehash , spatialindex , spatialite-gui , spatialite-tools , spdlog , spdylay , spectra , speexdsp , spglib , spice-protocol , spirv-cross , spirv-headers , spirv-llvm-translator , spirv-tools , spooles , sqlite-orm , sqlite3mc , sqlitebrowser , sratom , srecord , srt , starpu , stlink , stoken , strumpack , stxxl , styrene , suil , suitesparse , sundials , superlu , superlu_dist , supertux , supertuxkart , svt-av1 , swig , syndication , syndication-qt5 , syntax-highlighting , syntax-highlighting-qt5 , t1utils , talkatu , tcl-nsf , tcllib , tclvfs , tclx , tea , teensy-loader-cli , template-glib , templates-parser , termcap , tesseract-data , tetgen , texlive-bibtex-extra , texlive-extra-utils , texlive-font-utils , texlive-fonts-extra , texlive-fonts-recommended , texlive-formats-extra , texlive-games , texlive-humanities , texlive-lang-arabic , texlive-lang-chinese , texlive-lang-cjk , texlive-lang-cyrillic , texlive-lang-czechslovak , texlive-lang-english , texlive-lang-european , texlive-lang-french , texlive-lang-german , texlive-lang-greek , texlive-lang-italian , texlive-lang-japanese , texlive-lang-korean , texlive-lang-other , texlive-lang-polish , texlive-lang-portuguese , texlive-lang-spanish , texlive-latex-extra , texlive-latex-recommended , texlive-luatex , texlive-metapost , texlive-music , texlive-pictures , texlive-plain-generic , texlive-pstricks , texlive-publishers , texlive-science , texstudio , tfel , tgui , thor , thorvg , threadweaver , threadweaver-qt5 , tigervnc , tiled , tiledb , tiny-dnn , tinyformat , tixi , tixi3 , tk , tkimg , tklib , tktable , tl-expected , tme , tmxlite , tolua , toml-f , toml11 , tomlplusplus , tools , tools-xctest , totem-pl-parser , trilinos , triton , trompeloeil , tslib , ttf-cm-unicode , ttf-dejavu , ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols , ttf-paratype , ttfautohint , tulip , turbo , tuxpaint , twolame , typst-lsp , typstudio , tzdata , uasm , uchardet , ucl , udis86 , udunits , uhttpmock , umbrello , uncrustify , unibilium , unicode-character-database , unifdef , unittest-cpp , unordered_dense , usbview , usql , utf8cpp , uthash , uvatlas , vala-language-server , vamp-plugin-sdk , vapoursynth , vcdimager , vera++ , verdict , verilator , vid.stab , vigra , virt-viewer , virtualpg , visualizationlibrary , vk-bootstrap , vlfeat , vmaf , vo-amrwbenc , volk , vrpn , vsgimgui , vsgpoints , vsgqt , vsgxchange , vulkan-headers , vulkan-loader , vulkan-memory-allocator , vulkan-utility-libraries , vulkan-validation-layers , vulkan-volk , vulkanscenegraph , w3c-mathml2 , wabt , wac , waf , wakatime , wannier90 , wasi-libc , wb32-dfu-updater , wcurl , webp-pixbuf-loader , webrtc-audio-processing , webrtc-audio-processing-1 , wezterm , whisper.cpp , wiiuse , win7appid , windows-default-manifest , wined3d , wineditline , winfile , winico , winpty , winsparkle , winstorecompat , wintab-sdk , woff2 , wolfssl , wslay , wt , wwrando , wxmacmolplt , wxsvg , xa65 , xalan-c , xavs , xevd , xeve , xlnt , xlsxio , xmake , xmlada , xmlf90 , xmlstarlet , xournalpp , xpm-nox , xvidcore , xxhash , yazi , yelp-tools , yelp-xsl , yices , yosys , yubico-c , yubikey-personalization , yuview , z3 , zeal , zed , zimg , zint , zix , zopfli , zug , zvbi , zxcvbn-c , zxing-cpp , zycore-c , f2cblaslapack , zig , sse2neon , aspell-de , aspell-en , atool , autoconf-archive , autotools-wrappers , autoconf2.13 , autoconf2.69 , autoconf2.71 , autoconf2.72 , autogen , autotools , base , base-devel , bash-completion , bisoncpp , btyacc , ca-certificates , ccache , cdecl , cgdb , cloc , cmatrix , cocom , colordiff , colormake , cppdap , crosstool-ng , cygnative , cygrunsrv , cygutils , dejagnu , dialog , diffstat , docbook-dsssl , docbook-mathml , docbook-sgml , docbook-sgml31 , docbook-xml , docbook-xsl , docbook-xsl-ns , doctest , docx2txt , dos2unix , ed , editorconfig-vim , fcode-utils , libfido2 , filesystem , flexcpp , fmt , fzy , gdbm , gengetopt , genromfs , getent , gi-docgen , git-crypt , git-extras , git-filter-repo , git-flow , global , gnu-netcat , gperf , grml-zsh-config , gtest , gtk-doc , gyp , help2man , hexcurse , icmake , idutils , intltool , isl , itstool , lcov , libargp , libassuan , libbobcat , libcbor , libedit , libiconv , libinih , lzo2 , libmd , npth , libpipeline , libpsl , libqrencode , libtre , libxcrypt , xxhash , lndir , localepurge , lua , luit , lzip , lzop , man-pages-posix , markdown , mc , mingw-w64-cross-binutils , mingw-w64-cross-tools , mingw-w64-cross-windows-default-manifest , mingw-w64-cross-mingwarm64-binutils , mingw-w64-cross-mingwarm64-tools , mingw-w64-cross-mingwarm64-windows-default-manifest , mksh , mm-common , moreutils , mosh , mpc , mpdecimal , msgpack-c , msys2-keyring , msys2-launcher , namcap , nano-syntax-highlighting , nawk , ncdu , neofetch , ninja , nnn , nsinstall , openbsd-netcat , opensp , pacman-contrib , pacman-mirrors , pactoys , pacutils , patchutils , pax , perl-Algorithm-Diff , perl-Alien-Build , perl-Alien-Libxml2 , perl-Archive-Zip , perl-Authen-SASL , perl-Benchmark-Timer , perl-Capture-Tiny , perl-Carp-Clan , perl-Class-Method-Modifiers , perl-Clone , perl-Compress-Bzip2 , perl-Convert-BinHex , perl-Data-Munge , perl-Data-OptList , perl-Date-Calc , perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction , perl-Digest-HMAC , perl-Encode-Locale , perl-Encode-compat , perl-Error , perl-Exporter-Lite , perl-Exporter-Tiny , perl-ExtUtils-Config , perl-ExtUtils-Depends , perl-ExtUtils-Helpers , perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths , perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker , perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig , perl-FFI-CheckLib , perl-File-Copy-Recursive , perl-File-Listing , perl-File-Next , perl-File-Which , perl-File-chdir , perl-Font-TTF , perl-Getopt-ArgvFile , perl-Getopt-Tabular , perl-HTML-Parser , perl-HTML-Tagset , perl-HTTP-Cookies , perl-HTTP-Daemon , perl-HTTP-Date , perl-HTTP-Message , perl-HTTP-Negotiate , perl-IO-HTML , perl-IO-Socket-INET6 , perl-IO-Socket-SSL , perl-IO-String , perl-IO-Stringy , perl-IPC-Run3 , perl-Import-Into , perl-Importer , perl-JSON , perl-LWP-MediaTypes , perl-LWP-Protocol-https , perl-List-MoreUtils , perl-List-MoreUtils-XS , perl-Locale-Gettext , perl-MIME-Charset , perl-MIME-tools , perl-MailTools , perl-Math-Int64 , perl-Module-Build , perl-Module-Build-Tiny , perl-Module-Pluggable , perl-Module-Runtime , perl-Moo , perl-Mozilla-CA , perl-Net-DNS , perl-Net-HTTP , perl-Net-IP , perl-Net-SMTP-SSL , perl-Net-SSLeay , perl-Parallel-ForkManager , perl-Params-Util , perl-Path-Class , perl-Path-Tiny , perl-PerlIO-gzip , perl-Pod-Parser , perl-Probe-Perl , perl-Regexp-Common , perl-Return-MultiLevel , perl-Role-Tiny , perl-Scope-Guard , perl-Socket6 , perl-Sort-Versions , perl-Spiffy , perl-Sub-Exporter , perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive , perl-Sub-Info , perl-Sub-Install , perl-Sub-Quote , perl-TAP-Harness-Archive , perl-Term-Table , perl-TermReadKey , perl-Test-Base , perl-Test-Deep , perl-Test-Exit , perl-Test-Fatal , perl-Test-Needs , perl-Test-NoWarnings , perl-Test-Pod , perl-Test-Requires , perl-Test-Requiresinternet , perl-Test-Script , perl-Test-Warnings , perl-Test-YAML , perl-Test2-Suite , perl-Text-CharWidth , perl-Text-Diff , perl-Text-WrapI18N , perl-TimeDate , perl-Try-Tiny , perl-URI , perl-Unicode-LineBreak , perl-WWW-RobotRules , perl-XML-NamespaceSupport , perl-XML-Parser , perl-XML-SAX , perl-XML-SAX-Base , perl-XML-Simple , perl-YAML-Syck , perl-YAML-Tiny , perl-ack , perl-alien-build-plugin-download-gitlab , perl-common-sense , perl-http-cookiejar , perl-inc-latest , perl-sgmls , pinentry , pkgfile , po4a , popt , psmisc , publicsuffix-list , pv , quilt , rcs , rebase , reflex , remake , rlwrap , rpcsvc-proto , screenfetch , setconf , sgml-common , shellspec , ssh-pageant , sshpass , stow , swig , task , tcsh , tig , time , tio , tmate , tree , txt2html , tzcode , u-boot-tools , ucl , vifm , vimpager , wcd , wcurl , which , whois , windows-default-manifest , winpty , xdelta3 , xmlto , xorg-util-macros , xorgproto , xorriso , yelp-tools , yelp-xsl , pygobject2 , python2-pygtk
Last Update: 2025-01-25 20:30:40 [Request update]